January 2024 Newsletter
Posted on 10th January 2024 at 13:32
Welcome to 2024! Staffing update!
The team are back from our festive break, with rested hands and brains. We are enjoying being back, and seeing the progress our clients have been making, as well as meeting new clients. Sadly the new year bring changes to our team, as we say goodbye to our administrator extrodinaire Jayne Doyle. Please join us in wishing her the very best for her next chapter. We will miss her, personally and professionally.
We are in the process of recruiting for our next superstar team member, but until they are in post, Matt and Chelsea are covering the reception and admin tasks, alongside treating clients. We will endeavour to respond to enquiries as quickly as we can, but please bear with us whilst we multi-task!
Positive Change
As we welcome 2024 in, it is a great time to implement positive changes, especially for our health and wellbeing. Like you, we have probably over indulged during the festive break, and are now making promised to ourselves to get back to better ways!
Start as you mean to go on and set yourself up for health and wellbeing success in 2024, with our prehab service. Our prehab service is aimed at those who want to make positive health changes, but who are unsure where to begin.
Reasons for using this service may include goals such as;
Weight loss
Increasing strength
Optimising physical performance
Improving stamina
Sleeping better
Stress management
A bit of all of the above!
During your hour long assessment, we will help you understand your physical strengths and areas for development, and how these relate to your individual goals. We will help you understand where to make changes for maximal benefit, whilst minimising injury risk.
Suitable for all, whether you're new to exercise and unsure where to start, or if you're a seasoned athlete looking for those all important 1% gains. Personalised advice and exercise suggestions based on results of modified scientific testing and lifestyle analysis. Assessments all on a 1-2-1 basis. No judgement. No pressure. Just you and our Sports Therapist working out where best for you to start to make this year your healthiest, strongest year.
If you're ready to make positive health and well being changes, please call the clinic on 01487 843 844 to get booked in for our PREHAB SERVICE.
Harding Physiotherapy Webshop
We have recently opened a new webshop, something which PhysioFirst have enabled us to do. You will find various physiotherapy and sports therapy supplies avaialble in the webshop, and can access it here
If you have been in for treatment and we have recommended specific equipment for you, our team can now email you a link to those items for you, ready in your basket for you to check out. There is a delivery charge, which is added when you check out, but the prices per product are very competitive.

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