December 2023 Newsletter
Posted on 29th November 2023 at 15:32
CPD for the Team
Part of our responsability as your therapists, is to stay current with the treatments and recommendations we offer. Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is a huge part of our role as Physios and Sports Therapists. This month, Chelsea has attended the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy's (CSP) Annual Conference, learning about MKS Health accross the UK, and ways in which we can help service users in our local area to embrace healthier lifestyles.
The CSP also holds plenty of useful information for the general public too, on injury management, staying health, various health conditions and rehabilitation. Follow this link to explore more about what the CSP offers
In Decemeber, Matt will be attending a course on Red Flags and Serious Spinal Pathologies. This helps with brushing up and refreshing on those all important warning signs that we are always screening you for, which can inidicate something more is going on that requires urgent medical attention.
Christmas Opening Hours
As is the case every year, the clinic will be closed between Christmas and New Year, so that our team can rest their thumbs and recharge their batteries.
We will be open as per our usual opening hours until Friday 22nd December 2023, when we will close at 2pm. We will re-open on Tuesday 2nd January 2024.
The diary is getting super busy in the run up the Christmas, so if you think you need us, please contact us sooner rather than later to get booked in. Chelsea is already booking all new assessments for January 2024, to ensure that we can follow up the people already in treatment in a timely manner. Matt has limited availablity left before Christmas for new assessments.
As always, thank you to all of our clients who frequent the clinic and make use of our services. We love seeing you all, and being a part of your recovery.
Somersham Christmas Tree Festival!
Who managed to spot our tree at the Christmas Tree Festival?! Did you work out what the 7 things were relating to the clinic, our work and tools we use??
If you've not already been, its open one last evening on Friday 1st December 2023, during the Christmas Light Switch on, head along to the Church and enjoy the variety of Christmas trees! There are 30 amazing trees in the festival this year, all very cleverly decorated. Its amazing how many businesses, groups and organisations we have in the village.
Head along and see if you can spot which is our tree!

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