What to Expect from Socially Distanced Consultations with Harding Physiotherapy
Updated: 28/05/2020
1:1 appointment with our senior Physiotherapist Chelsea Harding
Held outdoors at a pre-agreed location in Somersham
Maintains 2m social distancing at all times - No hands on treatment
Price £40 for 30 minutes appointment duration
Finer details and background information
In line with the current Government guidelines for social distancing (2m) to help reduce the spread of the Coronavirus, from 01/06/20 Harding Physiotherapy is offering 1:1, socially distanced, outdoor appointments as an option for clients. The client must have completed a remote initial/first appointment prior to this, in line with our Governing Body’s recommendation to peruse a virtual first approach as standard practice.
This virtual first approach allows us to screen for potentially serious signs that may prompt us to refer you onto more urgent care pathways, but also to obtain a thorough understanding of your symptoms and functional restrictions so that we can effectively advise you of self management options to try and home exercise plans to start before we consider meeting in person. For further detail on this, please see our “what to expect from remote consultations” document. Following your initial remote appointment, we will discuss the potential risks and benefits of moving forwards with a face to face or socially distanced appointment, if this is appropriate. If we can work with you remotely this should be the preference at this time, as it is the most effective way to mitigate the risk from Coronavirus, for both the client and our staff.
The socially distanced outdoor appointment is effectively a half way house between remote and face to face consultations. It offers us both the benefit of meeting and discussing in person, whilst limiting risk by maintaining 2m social distancing. No hands on treatments will be available in this treatment option, however, it does offer us the ability to provide closer observation and understanding of your symptoms presentation and associated compensatory movement patterns you may have. We will be able to carry out movement drills, exercises and rehab plans together, ensuring clarity, thorough understanding and real time feedback between us. We will work together to ensure you have a clear understanding of your symptoms, and what self help strategies may benefit you alongside our exercise and advice plans.
Whether your pain or symptoms are new or longstanding, if you are keen to maximise your understanding of your body, and motivated to carry out recommended self management strategies alongside home exercise plans, then this could be an effective route forwards for you in resolving your symptoms and improving your daily function. We will be at the mercy of the Great British weather, so do ensure that you come prepared for all possible outdoor conditions!
As a Company we are taking all measures that we reasonably can to ensure the safety of our staff, clients and their associated households. Please help us to maintain a clean and safe environment by conforming fully with all of the above.