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Latest News from Harding Physiotherapy 

On Your Feet Britain - 25th April 2024 
On Your Feet Britain is a celebration of physical activity that encourages workers across Britain to take part in a variety of fun and simple activities #SitLess and #MoveMore at work (https://yo-yodesk.co.uk/pages/onyourfeet#event). Keep your eyes peeled on our social media pages for some updates from the team on how we are Moving More at work! 
It's much easier than you think and you'll be surprised by how much better you will feel. Here are a few tricks to try: 
Use the stairs rather than the lift 
Stand up and have a break from your computer every hour 
Eat Lunch away from your desk 
Stand during phone calls 
Have standing or walking meetings 
Walk over to your colleagues' desks instead of phoning or e-mailing them 
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World Sleep Day - 15th March.  
Sleep deprivation can have a serious impact on emotional, physical and mental wellbeing. Like eating nutritious food, drinking water and exercising regularly, getting quality sleep is an important component of overall health. There are numerous benefits to consistently getting a full night’s rest. While sleeping, the body performs a number of repairing and maintaining processes that affect nearly every part of the body. As a result, a good night’s sleep, or a lack of sleep, can impact the body both mentally and physically.  
The benefits to a good night's sleep include: 
Improved Mood 
Healthy Heart 
Regulated Blood Sugar 
Improved Mental Function 
Restored Immune System 
Stress Relief 
Athletic Performance 
Maintaining Healthy Weight 
For further information on improving your sleep:- https://thesleepcharity.org.uk/information-support/ 
Physitrack - Home Exercise Prescription Software 
To start the new year we are migrating to a new excercise prescription programme; called Physitrack. Physitrack enables us to provide recommended exercises as before, but also allows us to send you outcome measures, templates and advice within the same programme. All exercises have videos to help you to remember how to carry them out correctly. Each patient will also have their own access to the Physitrack app where you can see all of the above and log your exercise compliance, if you wish to.  
We believe that this will help you to exercise more effectively and we hope it will aid your understanding of what we are asking you to do. Should you find that you struggle with any exercise, or we wish to progress your programme, we can log in from the clinic and modify what we are asking you to do. For those who are not tech savvy, we are still able to print out your exercise programme on good old fashioned paper.  
Welcome to 2024! Staffing update! 
The team are back from our festive break, with rested hands and brains. We are enjoying being back, and seeing the progress our clients have been making, as well as meeting new clients. Sadly the new year bring changes to our team, as we say goodbye to our administrator extrodinaire Jayne Doyle. Please join us in wishing her the very best for her next chapter. We will miss her, personally and professionally. 
We are in the process of recruiting for our next superstar team member, but until they are in post, Matt and Chelsea are covering the reception and admin tasks, alongside treating clients. We will endeavour to respond to enquiries as quickly as we can, but please bear with us whilst we multi-task!  
CPD for the Team 
Part of our responsability as your therapists, is to stay current with the treatments and recommendations we offer. Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is a huge part of our role as Physios and Sports Therapists. This month, Chelsea has attended the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy's (CSP) Annual Conference, learning about MKS Health accross the UK, and ways in which we can help service users in our local area to embrace healthier lifestyles.  
The CSP also holds plenty of useful information for the general public too, on injury management, staying health, various health conditions and rehabilitation. Follow this link to explore more about what the CSP offers https://www.csp.org.uk/public-patient/keeping-active-healthy 
In Decemeber, Matt will be attending a course on Red Flags and Serious Spinal Pathologies. This helps with brushing up and refreshing on those all important warning signs that we are always screening you for, which can inidicate something more is going on that requires urgent medical attention. 
Arthritis Action 
We are thrilled to let you know that Chelsea is now as associate practitioner for Arthritis Action. Arthritis Action is a charity working with anyone who has been diagnosed with arthritis. Their membership is £20 per year, and for that you gain access to specialist advice and information regarding all aspects of living well with arthritis. In addition, members can receive 2 subsidised physiotherapy sessions, which can be taken at Harding Physiotherapy.